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Our Priest-in-Partnership

The Rev. Rachel Field began ministry with St. Thomas & Grace Church on August 29, 2019.     She has a 25% time appointment and is part of the Core Ministry Team.   She is with us two or three Sundays a month as well as occasionally during the week.   

Until June 2019, Rachel worked for the Diocese of Connecticut as one of six regional missionaries working with parishes and lay leaders to support spiritual development and mission. She and her husband bought an old house in Roxbury and have started a farm - a garden and animals including cows, honeybees, guinea fowl, chickens, and pigs.   

The Vestry and Core MInistry Team are excited by the gifts and talents that Rachel brings to ST&G. She has a quiet spiritualness, sense of humor, passion for the environment and nature, and energy. In her previous work she has helped groups figure out how to “be church” in the 21st century.

Rachel grew up as an Episcopalian. She graduated from Washington College in Maryland with a BA in Environmental Studies, worked as an ornithologist for a migratory bird banding station, and then went to Yale Divinity School. She was ordained priest in 2016. One reason she was drawn to ST&G is because of our strong environmental ethic – the garden, composting, recycling, reusing. She is excited by our vision of being in partnership with our priest. She was not seeking a full-time parish position because she feels called to be both a sacramental minister and an environmental educator and activist.   

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